Seiring dengan semakin banyaknya penelitian yang harus dipublikasikan maka dibuatlah portal jurnal dengan tujuan untuk menampung karya ilmiah dosen dan mahasiswa baik dilingkungan STIKes Adila dan juga untuk Seluruh dosen Dari Perguruan tinggi di Luar STIKes Adila yang akan berpartisipasi dalam mengembangan Karya Ilmi
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Scientific Journal of Nutrition
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Media Kesehatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
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Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Research
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Journal of Natural Product Chemistry
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Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (JIK) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Adila, Bandar Lampung, which was first published in January 2016. JIK published two times a year in February and August. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
JIK is a scientific journal published online and in printed versions and publishes research articles or scientific papers in the field of Midwifery with p-ISSN : 2088-9011 and e-ISSN : 2721-0839.
JIK receives writing in the form of research results, scientific studies and brief descriptions relating to midwifery, such as: Maternity, Childbed, Neonates, Infant, Under-fives and Pre-school Children, Family Planning, Reproduction Health, Adolescent Health, Elderly Health, Maternal Health, Child Health, and others related to midwifery research.
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Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi diindeks dan diabstraksikan di Google Cendekia. Artikel yang diterbitkan diberi nomor ISSN: 2747-0466 (online), 2722-4821 (cetak).
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Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Kesehatan
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